Privacy Notice

This section summarises Emergency Medical Planning NZ Ltd  trading as Medic First Aid’s approach to privacy of Personal Information. From time to time we may update this Privacy Notice and/or our Privacy Policy and amend them to reflect changes in legislation, industry codes or in our operations.

This notice doesn’t change any other rights and obligations you or Emergency Medical Planning NZ Ltd have relating to information and privacy.

If you have any question or concerns about your privacy then please contact our Privacy Officer.

Ross Drysdale

Phone: 0800 11 21 31

Personal Information

Personal Information is described by the Privacy Commissioner as:

...any piece of information that relates to a living, identifiable human being.  People's names, contact details, financial health, purchase records: anything that you can look at and say, ‘this is about an identifiable person’.

We deal with your Personal Information in accordance with the  Privacy Act 2020