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Medic First Aid Ltd > Our Courses > Course Types > Workplace First Aid Course (LEVEL 1)


This course is ideal for low risk workplaces and covers the same content as our Basic Plus course but includes being assessed for unit standards 6402 & 6401 for workplaces who may require this.

Course content and delivery follows the Worksafe NZ good practice guide for first aid in the workplace.

Students must provide NZQA number to report credits within two months of training date.

$155.00 incl GST per person*

Course duration 8-10 hours.

Topics Covered include:

The First Aid Provider - Personal Safety & Contacting Emergency Medical Services (111)

Basic CPR Skills,Basic Life Support Care - Stable Side Positioning of Patient,Choking,Patient Assessment

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and AED Use

Caring for Serious Injury - Bleeding, Shock Management, Soft-tissue injuries, and wounds,

Burns & Poisoning

Caring for Sudden Illness - Stroke, Diabetic Emergencies, Seizures, Breathing Difficulties and Asthma, Severe Allergic Reaction & Chest Pain

Let's Talk!

If you're interested in learning more about this course, we'd love to hear from you.  If you'd like to book yourself or staff members onto this course give us a call on 0800 11 21 31 or click on the link below. 


Contact us or book now

* Note -

Special Conditions apply - *

All prices quoted on this website are indicative only, depend on numbers booked and location.  Places are subject to availabilty.